Thursday, 16 August 2012

It's been a while, quite a while..where to begin? 
I'll begin at the solstice celebrations, it does'nt seem that long ago since I posted on last years.
A road trip again, back down to Glastonbury, my favorite place for Summer Solstice and a bit of a tradition now amongst my group of friends. Although I'm open to celebrating where ever I might be, there can be no doubt that the countryside around Glastonbury displays the full glory of summer Solstice on every level for me, the soft undulating curves of the landscape, the gravity defying aerodynamics of the Swifts, Swallows and Housemartins all add to the ambience-a magical one, and one that always leaves me feeling renewed-recharged.

The week spent was unexpected, I had'nt planned to go, but realised there was no reason why I should'nt. Armed with camping gear we left and the weather was glorious for most of the week. I visited the White Well for the first time in my years down there, and spent some time before the ancestor altar, which was perfectly fitting.
Time was spent reflecting, communing with and within the land and it's inhabitants, renewing intentions and dedications in the deep night.

The end to the week was also unexpected. I found my new 'all terrain' walking shoes to be slippy on steps after rain and took a fall, badly bruising my lower back and ribs.
It meant an earlier end to the week and the following five weeks off work.
I never realised back injuries could be so agonisingly painful. Still, I know now. I also know a lot more about backs in general, muscles, and my own lack of fitness!
So, the last few weeks have been about reassessing these things and finding ways of rehabilitating my back.
Physiotherapy, swimming, first attempts at Tai Chi and Pilates are underway and hopefully I'll be fitter after the injury then I was before! One can only hope. Comfrey Oil massaged morning and evening is also helping.

There is of course much more to tell about the last couple of weeks..but I'll leave that for another post...

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